Free SMS
Calcutta telephones has launched a new web service for all India.
Now anyone can send free SMS to any mobile in India. Just go to Calcuttatelephones website . just copy & paste this link in your browser :-
Anyone can send SMS from this site. You can also store your phone numbers in it. There have options of multi-sms & single sms service. You can also give your signature there for every messages. This service of calcutta telephones will be helpfull for them to reach more public in the country. This service of BSNL is fully free & most populer in the web. It is really a great offer to all customers & Non-customers of BSNL.
I think u r advertising this site,but advertising on eblog is against eblog rules.For this u can register at
This is another site site of eblog where u can do advertise.
Mr. Amit .R
You are wrong. I am Not advertising about BSNL. I am just informing our member friends that there is a free service has been launched by them. And I have detailed about the free service here. That is what I just wrote here.
Please don’t make any confusion to other members.
For your kind information I also know the rules of eblogs very well. And BSNL doesn’t pay or liable for this content. I hope now your mind has been cleared about the confusion. So don’t hesitate & don’t put others to confusions.
Thanks for your valuable comments.
Regards ,
Abhirup Ghosh
Keep cool my dear friends.
BSNL is a Govt organization. I do not think there is such an advertising system in BSNL. Our friend came across this information and wanted to share with us. It is useful information.
I will request some more information on this. I live in Delhi. Can I get this facility?
“पà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤® करो सबसे, नफरत न करो किसी से”
“Love all, Hate none”
I think you can use this facility. Please check the website I gave here.
thanks for your comments.
I will sure visit the site. Thanks.
“पà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤® करो सबसे, नफरत न करो किसी से”
“Love all, Hate none”
Thanks for the info and is another website where u can send sms unlimitedly and it is also a free service. I hope u too join that community and enjoy sms ing
With love Madhu….
Thanks for your information also. But I checked there that….only a member can send sms to other members who is registered with that site & have enabled their mobile registration there.
But this site which one I gave here is not so difficult.
Let me explain Please….
anyone who wants to send sms have to register here this site which one I gave here …..& can send free sms to any mobile number. No need to register the recipients here for receiving free sms , but that site which one you gave me, there the rules is that, the sender & recipients both have to register in that website , But my one is not so.
Only Sender have to register , not recipients.
And actually that site is like a community where members can send SMS to members of that site.
By the way thanks for your kind information also.