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what do you want to see??

Super glamorous makeovers, rebirths, plastic surgeries, one character played by a person on the first day and some other person on the very next, two divorces, three wives, brother killing brother-in-law, sister being raped by a friend, a girl whose marriage breaks twice, an unwed mother whose lover refuses to marry her — this my friends today is what every serial on Television revolves around.
Why cant the makers of these soap operas realize that everything that is shown on television has a great impact on people who watch them .Instead of showing things that are not a part of the society, the makers could show something real, practical, a script with substance.Also one more thing that needs to be taken under consideration, is that televsion chanels are also telecasted in other countries , so we are giving an extremly distorted picture of OUR WAY OF LIVING.
Are the women in our houses always flooded with jewellery from top to bottom , are our faces packed with layers of make-up? Then why this? to mu surprise , these soap operas work really well too.Women are showed being discriminated by color, and being ill treated. But today in urban india this doesnt seem to prevail. I think its high time reality strikes the makers of the soap operas. One more annoying thing is the EXTREME concept.The person is either super great or is mega bad. there is no balance, there are no shades of grey.Everything is either Black or White.
According to me what pulls the audience to watching these serials is THE LARGER THEN LIFE potryal of characters. Tall men, great clothes, extravagant sets, beautiful looking women is the eye candy for the audiences. When people come home tired and overburdened with work they want to see something nice, something pleasing. They want to see a ugly girl turning beautiful, or watch a girl getting married or something that makes them forget about the TENSION and STRESSED OUT LIFE outside home.
Also one major target of the soap operas being Housewives. They love gossip, and soap operas are perrrffecct gossip material.They really dont care about practicality and realsim. This is where lies the irony ” people majorly criticize these shows but the TRP’s of these shows never seem to fall.
But then my point is that todays” urban society is evrything that is shown on televison today. lets just be oursleves and nor create a false impression.
let the makers realize that business is not what always counts, but also making a contribution to the society through whichever field they are in.since they have a very important place , they should realize their responsibility and show things that exist and what we really stand for, because the media today plays a very important role in influencing people’s thoughts. If there would be lesser supply the demand for these serials might just DECLINE!!!!

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