Man Vs Woman
There are somethings which we cannot change about man . Perhaps that’s why it is said that man will always be man .
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There are somethings which we cannot change about man . Perhaps that’s why it is said that man will always be man .
They were four sisters . All of them were educated , beautiful and hailed from a respectable family of a small town .
The pretty little baby doll was hopping and chirping like a small bird and her mom and the other girl , apparently looking like her aunt was trying hard to control her .
Who is after whom ? Do the crickers want to rub their shoulders with the beautiful people in the film Industry or is it the other way round ?
Honestly media seems to have taken the responsibity of ruining private lives of celebraties .
Today we can devide children in two categories largely . Those who donot eat and those who over eat .
THE whole country celebrated the auspicious festivel of colours and warmth . People were seen drenched in colours, and colour(?)ed water .
When VAT was introduced everyone fumed about the implementation of this tax . But how many of us want a cash memo while shopping for our everyday goodies .
An emotion or feeling that lets us down most of the time in everyday life is guilt .
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