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Criminal waste of public money

For last many months I have been watching advertisements of Delhi Government in newspapers. These advertisements invariably have the photos of Delhi CM Sheila Dikshit, minister of concerned department and a photo (bigger than other photos) of Sonia Gandhi. Whenever I see these advertisements it pinches me, as the money for these advertisements go out of the pockets of the people. People pay taxes and Govt wastes that money on these advertisements. These advertisements do not convey any fruitful information for the benefit of the people. These advertisements only contain publicity material for the government and political party. People already know what government has done. They do not become any more wiser after reading these advertisements and seeing the photos. For boosting party image, the party should pay for the advertisements and not the Govt. Printing of the photo of Sonia Gandhi is nothing but chmchagiri, as she does not have any position in the Govt.

On Sunday, three advertisements appeared in the newspaper:
a) Department of Urban Development, a full page advertisements,
b) Directorate of Health services, a half page advertisements,
c) Delhi Commission for Women, a half page advertisements.

Advertisements in newspapers are very costly. Above advertisements must have costed substantial amount to the public exchequer. People should protest against such criminal waste of public money.

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1 Response

  1. Service_to_all says:


    The fact that we are talking about it is in itself an objective which the advt. has achieved.


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