Protect yourself from pesky calls on your mobile
As per an estimate about 8.3m users have signed up for do-not-call registry. Are you one of them. I signed it two months back and there is certain reduction in the number of unsolicited telemarketing calls and messages.
Mobile subscribers have been agitating about the menace of unsolicited calls and SNSs. Parliament, Supreme Court, Delhi High Court, RBI and consumer groups all have voiced concern on this nuisance. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) have now announced stiff penalties on telecom service providers and telemarketers for noncompliance of its regulations. Under this new initiative, a subscriber must make a complaint to the service provider withing 15 days of receiving the pesky call. The penalty for first call is up to Rs. 5000, which can go up Rs. 20000 for subsequent calls.
Friends, a good measure indeed. Protect yourself from these pesky calls.
Till now I have not registered my mobile & therefore i get lot of telemarketing SMS & calls & most of them are for caller tunes & ring tones. I am fed up with such SMS & calls with respects to calls I have feeded some of the numbers so when ever I get a call I come to know it is from telemarketing service therefore I do not respond. Really this has become a big business . The mobile companies are earnig lot by seeling the data base to advertising companies.
That is about the calls but what about the sms we get regularly from our service providers.
The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.