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Why should I pay to read ads?

Newspapers are full of ads. It increases number of pages and then price. I pay for news but newspaper owners force me to pay ads also.

Take the case of today’s Times of India. It has 40 pages. 10 full pages are only ads. 12 pages have ads in 3/4th page. 7 pages have half page ads. Total comes to 22 pages. Why should I pay fr these 22 pages? I should be asked to pay for 18 pages which contain news or other information.

I hope that situation with other newspapers is also similar. Newspaper readers should get together and force newspapers to reduce the price.

Are you with me friends?

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2 Responses

  1. dulaliputra says:


    You are true. It is same with all newspapers. you are correct the newspapers owner is earning a lot from advertising. So they can reduce the price. But it happens the opposite– on some plea this or that they just publish an appeal to increase the price of the paper and increases. What about ads? They never speak.

  2. Service_to_all says:

    Dear Sir,

    I would request you to look at the price of the newspapers. The prices range anywhere from Rs 2 to Rs 4. That is actually not the cost of production. It is much higher. Consider the compensation to be paid to the journalists, the salary for the people responsible for the production, the equipments etc. Effectively the profits that the news paper generate is not by the actual selling of the newspapers, but the revenue generated from the advertisements, which in turn depends on the circulation.


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