Category: Computers
Lenovo Notebook with cool features
Hi friends, my cousin sister recently took a new laptop. She took me to the Computer Shop for guiding her. Her budget was 45,000/- Rs.
Windows Vista x64 Support, Migration,
If your organisation is considering migrating to the x64 side of the server and processor pool, then these few pointers might be of use.
Settings are XML-controlled & No more HAL complications
Configuration information that was earlier stored in various text files find a new home under Vista: Unattend.txt, sysprep.inf, cmdlines.txt, and winbom.ini are now all replaced by a single XML
Names are related to computers
I was thinking about my friends who have taught computers with me in Mary Immaculate Girls High School, Kalina and teaching here in College. I started thinking about their names too.
Windows PE to rule them all
For a while now, Windows PE (Pre-installation Environment) has been the deployment tool of choice for various organisations.
Fundamental program for creation & checking of account
First file should be compiled first…..then second & third.
User Id & Password will be stored temporarily as object of UserBean class.
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