Working Housewives
In case of housewife who holds a job outside the gets paid for the job she holds, her position as far as house work id concerned, remains the same.
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In case of housewife who holds a job outside the gets paid for the job she holds, her position as far as house work id concerned, remains the same.
There is a general belief that housewives are unpaid workers and that they do not get any financial benefit for the work performed.
Today we can devide children in two categories largely . Those who donot eat and those who over eat .
We celebrated four festivals in a day. Yes on 21st March we celebrated four festivals in a day.
Whether the woman works in a poor, subsistence economy or whether she works in a modern household in an industrialized economy, both women have three things in common in their respective working lives
THE whole country celebrated the auspicious festivel of colours and warmth . People were seen drenched in colours, and colour(?)ed water .
Holi (also called Holaka or Phagwa) is festival of colors celebrated on the day after the full moon in the Hindu month of Phalguna.The festival’s preamble begins on the night of the full moon with the
Holi as everyone know is the festival of color. All the people plays with the joy whether the person is Amar , Akbar or Anthony. In holi there is no discrimintion between the holi.
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