Bagho Progam Aya
Beware i am goin to warn you about a program which comes about every Tuesday night in Sab TV at 8:00 called Bagho KK Aya. It is mindless comedy serial about a Boss name KK and his employees who work and survey there by hearing KK brainless jokes.
KK thinks he is world best boss and his jokes are the world best jokes. Everyday he comes up with his stupid jokes and his employee should come up with an idea to escape from trapping into the torture of Jokes.
Remember, i did warn you about this program, if you see KK in the channel, don’t think just Baghoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Seems that ur TV maniac.
R u the promoter of sab TV?
just kidding.
anyways keep updating of good programs
You can say that i am TV and Movie buff ! I love to see good programs and movies so you can get to read about them often. Sab Tv offers good and different programs than these ZEE, STAR and Sony to offer. So i write more about Sab Tv and i can say i am proud viewer of the channel….