Golden Heart SRK
Srk has proved again that he has Golden heart when he said he wants everyone to attend his IPL Cricket match which is goin to be held on Spectacular Eden Garden stadium in Kolkotta.He also kept the ticket rate cheap Rs 100 ! Sharukh will present the 100th ticket to the spectator himself !
He also said that they will see to it that no one get harass or misbehave with the ladies.
He will take good care of the children. He also said that it is his duty to take responsibility of small things like keeping the toilet clean and give a good security to everyone.
Though SRK is the owner, he can always sit and let other take his responsibility, he is an entertainer. He has to come there, give some speech but as the Good Hearted Shahrukh the King of Night Riders wants to take care of each and minute details.
That is our Man. Good Luck for you and your Team Mr. Khan !!!
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