Hatari Hatari

Recently i saw a out and out adventure movie Hatari is movie which came 1962. It is an Adventure Comedy as well as Romantic Comedy !!!

Sean Mercer is head the daring Hunting group who hunts and capture animals in Eastern Africa and transfer them to the world Zoo. Sean is happy and single with his group. Sean was about to get married once. But the married did not happen, from that time, Sean keep himself from Woman’s company till an Italian Photographer Dallas came and changed is opinion about Woman.

Dallas soon made friends with his group and also became Mother of three baby Elephants. One day Dallas saved a Baby elephant from being killed. For adding fuel to Sean’s anger the baby elephant brought 2 more baby elephant to be his friends.
Everyone’s life turned upside down in the arrival of the 2 more new guest.

Sean and his friends have one more list to complete, they have catch the most notorious animal of all the Rhino. Once an Indian named Little Wolf was horned by the Rhino. The Indian thought that Rhino is Jinxed. So, they kept the Rhino for their last catch….

What else is store for them, will they ever catch Rhino and compete their mission.
Chk out this beautiful romantic comedy.

The movie is full of light moment, they have shown how they hunt these animals.
It is sad to know how these animals are captured. The movie is a visual treat with beautiful eye catching landscape. If you like to see movie about Animals, this one is for you !!!

PS : Hatari! means Danger in Swahili

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2 Responses

  1. madhu_vamsi says:

    Hello Nisha, I paused reading when I read ” Dallas became Mother of three baby Elephants”, I thought how can a human give birth to 3 baby elephants. After reading the full review, I say this movie is worth watching. Thanks for such a lovely review dear….

    Madhu Vamsi….

  2. jmalhotra says:


    as per ur views …but yes it is really sad to see animal hunting ..when we cannot give them life we have no right to take that ….

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