Race of Life

Race is a movie about two rich and spoiled half brothers Ranvir and Rajiv who live their life to beat each other in the Race of life. Ranvir wants to win in a fare and square game with his brother. But Rajiv is person who will go any length to beat Ranvir !.

There is also Fruit ki Dukaan RD who is sharp minded investigator with his dumb minded secretory Mini. But what is purpose of RD and mini in between the brother’s race?
Well you have race up to see what happens in this hard core suspense thriller.

Great movie, powerful dialog, splendid cinematography and superb performance by all.
The Men in White has done it again !!!

If you love to see movie which keep you glued in your seats, well this One for you 🙂

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3 Responses

  1. betterlife says:

    After so much praise from you, I think I should now see the movie.

    “प्रेम करो सबसे, नफरत न करो किसी से”
    “Love all, Hate none”

  2. nishunishaa says:

    hi nish…i will watch this movie today evening…and blated happy holi

  3. jmalhotra says:


    you have said it very beautifully and rightly about the movie…each and every dialouge is powerful and the music is also good

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