Creating User Account Windows Xp And Windows 2000
Click on Start > Control Panel > User Accounts. Under “Pick a task..”, click Create a New Account. Enter the name for account.
Pick an account type and click Create Account. You can create three types of user accounts. A Computer Administrator account where the user has unlimited access, allowing him or her to view and modify files from other user accounts. A Limited account allows the user to operate the computer, and run applications, but not modify software and hardware contents. The last type of account offered is the Guest account. It functions just like a Limited account, except that it is not password protected.
Windows 2000
Right-click My Computer on the Desktop.Then click Mange. Of course, we”re assuming that you have the administrative rights on your PC-if Windows 2000 gives you a warning that you do not enough privileges, contact the person who installed the operating system. Now, click Local User and Group in the System Tools section. Double-click the User folder, right-click on the white space, and click New User in the menu. Fill in the details and click on the Create button. Then click Close. Select the newly formed user , click on Properties and then click on the Member tab. Click Add, and double-click on the type of rights you want to give the new user. You can change these later by following the same procedure of selecting a user and then choosing the properties option.
The information about the user account in xp might b known by almost everybody but only few of them might b knowing through 2000.