Goals And Objectives
All the system, by definition, have a purpose. For a business organization, the purpose is to accomplish meaningful goals and objectives. For a software, the goal is to solve the need of the user desired from that software.
There are three related terms that needs to be well followed.
1. Mission: It is the board statement of the purpose of the organization. e.g. “To grow continuously through provision of quality products and services.”
2. Goals: It is general statement of what is to be accomplished. e.g. “Reduce time to respond to a service request without increasing the number of service persons.”
3. Objectives: It is statement of measurable results to be achieved in a specified time frame. e.g. “Reduce order processing time 5 to 3 days.”
Business plans are derived from business objectives. Solving business problems, setting business goals and objectives, and development the plans require a diverse range of internal and external information. it is the responsibility of information system analyst to provide the required information.
yes one should take care of the relevant steps to make the system and required information known to the ppl who are going to be the part of it…