In the final scene of “Lage Raho Munnabhai,” Mahatma Gandhi says that whether people remember him or not, he will, from time to time bring about some “chemical locha” in a few people’s minds. And when he said that, he certainly stirred up a chemical locha in my brain.

Why was Gandhi such a great leader of masses? Firstly, because his life was an open book. Thousands of leaders had a meteoric rise and when some skeleton tumbled out of their cupboards, they bit the dust. But Mahatma, right from the start, made his frailties a public knowledge. Whether it was stealing some thing or maltreating Kasturba, he made a clean breast of his wrong-doings. So, when his detractors tried to dig his past, they couldn’t find anything that Gandhi didn’t tell his public. People accepted him with open arms and he was never fearful of slander.

Secondly, the gandhian thoughts are special for their sheer simplicity. Even the most illiterate person could grasp what he said. He was the man who led by example in it’s truest sense.

Leaders come and go. But a Gandhi comes but once in a millennium. Albert Einstein said soon after Mahatma’s assassination, “for centuries to come people will scarce believe that a man such as this in flesh and blood ever walked on the face of this earth.”


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2 Responses

  1. Service_to_all says:


    He was the one who started the appeasement concept, with the Khilafat movement.


  2. madhu_vamsi says:

    Hi, Please don’t compare Gandhiji with the present politicals leaders. Who can wear a dress like the great Mahatma, who will go straight in to the slums and listen to their queries and solve the problem. Gandhiji used to walk miles and never used cars or anything for his person use. No political leader at present walk on road. It is shame that we are using our freedom so badly, if Gandhiji is alive then he would have fought another freedom struggle fight and that to against this dirty politicians…

    Madhu Vamsi….

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