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Pleasure of spirituality

Spirituality can be defined as total altruism. It is the intention to do good deeds and give pleasure to everything in existence and not to receive anything “for myself.” Spirituality is experienced through attaining the attribute of the force that created our world and everything in existence–total altruism. Our world is completely opposite in attributes to spirituality, and thus cannot contain spirituality within it.

In spirituality, the pleasure of giving to others is experienced. It is simply opposite to how we experience pleasure in our world. It is everlasting pleasure. The more we experience pleasure in the spiritual, the more pleasure we feel. This is, however, under the condition that we don’t feel the pleasure within ourselves, but within everything that is outside ourselves. It is sheer pleasure through living in the constant fulfillment of everything in existence other than the tiny body of substance that I was born into.

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1 Response

  1. Service_to_all says:


    Nicely extracted from http://kabbalah.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_pleasure_of_giving_to_others.


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