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My New year wishes to all eblogs users.
ALWAYS COPE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT ANY WORRIES. Don`t see drawbacks, failures, negative approach in life. An Elephant doesn`t know its own strength. DON`T UNDERESTIMATE AND DON`T OVER ESTIMATE. Project a plan and operate. Be Honest, trust worthy, friendly and measure the quality of life. Don`t fear,
Don`t get angry, Don`t act for compulsion. Present is the best moment in life as told by Annai is to be understood. Give importance to Health and Education always. Balance the time and value and live in the reality[practical] world.
THE LIFE MUST HAVE A PURPOSE. Ask why for everything and get answers this will give the clear picture about life. Pray, Meditate, Know the life of elders and learn from their experiences. Now we have many opportunities to know the life more than before due to the advancement of mankind. ALWAYS BE HAPPY AND SMILING. GET THE RICHNESS IN LIFE

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