Garib Rath Trains
Laloo Prasad yadav as you know has introduced Garib Rath Trains specially for poor & needy. it is really a noble thought to do something like that for poor. Many people who used to dream of travelling in AC coaches of train can now travel conveniently yet at a low cost. It is priced less & anyone can travel anywhere. It is really an appreciable step taken by railway minister Laloo in giving something good for poor people & under class people. More & more such schemes are required for development of poor in India & to increase the status of indians. People like laloo can make difference.
yes its a very good move by laloo, garib rath is a very good train for everone not only for garibs for garibs its royal journey
The people who can afford will also get the benefit but it is called garib rath as all poor people will also afford to travel in that.
Also the students can travel free from their house to the school/college via train.
The people who can afford will also travel in this so called Garib Rath. How are they going to check? Are they going to ask for income certificates while purchasing tickets on those train???
It is nothing but an election gimmick expected by the end of this year.
indeed a good idea to have this service ..a nice move from laloo …
In my earlier comments in some other blog, I had stated how Lalu fooled even the educated, by apparently not raising the fares, but converting passenger trains as Express without even the slightest of change in travel time or facilities and yet charging express fares, which I guess you are aware are higher than the passenger train fares.
He has also increased the Tatkal quota to almost 50%, thereby forcing the 50% of passenger traveling to pay more and for your information the minimum Tatkal charges are 150 and above. inst this an indirect increase. Many haven’t seen the cunningness in such moves, and only see what is obvious and fail to see the hidden costs.