Bandra – Worli Sea link

One of the great project Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) IN THIS RECENT DAYS IS Bandra – Worli Sea link PROJE CT.

The traffic b/n Bandra and worli was very high which daily results in traffic jam. As a alternative MMRDA introduced this project to reduce the traffic a lot. But think that the success of this project can be determined only after it is operational. The deadline of this project is January 2009.

It will not be helpful for the common man as the toll for it is going to be Rs100 Taxi will surely b not intereted to pay this high toll. Also will buses and trucks will b allowed is a question. Car owners will think twice b4 entering through it.

It has also blocked the mouth of the mithi river which can led to the sea pollution. It seems that the metro link would b a better option than this as the common man could use it too.

There is one another flaaw which i m going to discuss in next blog.

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2 Responses

  1. UWON says:

    By making such types of projects they are creating to the natural things like trees.Most probably they will cut more more trees to complete this project.They only things of profit.They do not think who will be able to used and who will not able to used.All contracts with MNC”S Companies.

  2. lkjhgf says:

    Dear, there is no point of cutting down the trees as it is the sea link.

    Knowledge increases my sharing and not hiding.

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