City under the city
Amsterdam, the famous city in the U.K. faces the problem of congestion of the space. As the result their architects came out the pplan of making the underground city.Shocked………
Ya but its true , the officials of this city r considering the plans to build a vast
underground city of height around 60 meters which will b beneath the city’s canals to house car parks , cinemas & sports complex.
The “CITY UNDR THE CITY” Vproposal coud cost 6Bn Euro. It involves draining d biggest canals, digging upto 60mtrs to a lyer of waterproof clay & dropping in concrete walls. A roof would then b built & d canalc water poured back in.
Designers plan to make it more attractive by projecting Images of sky on cielings.It may b start from 2018.
thanks for making us know about this but friend i want to know more about this project so can u tell me from where can i know about it more