Flaw of Bandra – Worli Sea link
As I described in the previous blog that the traffic between Bandra and worli was very high which daily results in traffic jam. As a alternative MMRDA introduced the project of Bandra – Worli Sea link to reduce the traffic a lot.
It has flaw of creating the sea pollution and also that it will not b used for common people. Despite of this flaws there is one great flaw which Mumbai’s planners have might been missed.
The thing is that the sea link has eight lanes and if u take right inthe worli side from sea link towards the Love grove junction and Atria Mall then u have to face with the traffic of Mumbai’s most congested road as this road is of only two lanes and that too everytime filled up with it. I dont know how the officials are going to take actions against this nightmare.
This blog could have very well been put into the earlier blog “Bandra – Worli Sea link”. The only addition in this blg is a paragraph on the flaws.
move from the local authorities of MUmbai to overcome the flaws
I could have done that but this seperation drags the attention of the people to the special point which i actually want to tell others.
Knowledge increases my sharing and not hiding.
It should be taken into consideration as fast as possible so as to avoid this difficulty in future.
Knowledge increases my sharing and not hiding.
All it requires is making the paragraph bold.