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1))) 4 a gud job,U shld hv gud technical skills.And apart 4m Tht U require gud Communication & Presentation Skills.As a Fresher in interviews U hv Aptitude test,Group Discussion,Technical Test – Oral & Written.Just the Basics Of C,C++ R mostly asked.And if the interviewer asks U wht Subject or Language U like.He vll ask U regarding tht.But if U apply only 4Java or Oracle or whtever specific language they ask U alot of basic & indepth questions.U just need 2b confident.Initially dont look 4high salary.Look where U vll learn.As wht U learn,in real life its differnt 2do programming.Once U gain 1experience.Its easy 2demand 4more salary & job in big company.

Wen UR final Yr results R 2b out,before tht Upload UR resume in Monster,Naukri,Timesjobs,NDTV Jobs.U vll get lots of Opportunities.In Between Go through this sites for Interview Questions :1)techinterviews
2) onesmartclick
3) t-mug.org
4) vyaskn.tripod
5) vyomlinks
6) sourcecodesworld
7) http://www.ittopinterviewquestions.com/
8) citehr.com
9) technologyevaluation.com
10) freshersworld.com
11) http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/oracle-9i.html
12) geekinterview.com

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2 Responses

  1. Service_to_all says:


    It is just to evade being trapped as copied blog.


  2. admin says:

    Please don’t use ugly shortcut language. You are not sending an SMS. Did you notice that extensions are missing for the sites that you have suggested. Onesmartclick, vyaskn.tripod, vyomlinks, etc.

    Please rewrite the post.

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