Infactuation between bloggers
There is a boom of social networking websites on Internet .The newer social networking sites like Yuwie , IBIBO not only helps in building social contacts but also gives other privileges like earning through blogging & uploading pictures .Majority of people who surf Internet frequently are members of at least one social networking websites either for fun , or to build contacts or for promotion of their own on line business or for earning through blogging . When it comes to earning through blogging , people spend several hours in a day to update their blogs & than on reading & commenting other bloggers work. As a result of which bloggers get very much acquainted with each others style of writing , thoughts ,likes , dislikes ,profession & other personal aspects & at times bloggers get attracted to opposite sex bloggers. Once this happens the bloggers mind gets completely diverted from blogging . He or she starts giving very sensitive comments on the articles of the bloggers with whom he or she has got attracted .The comments are very frequent & personalised as a result both the bloggers get attracted to one another.
Recently I came across few cases where in male bloggers first approached female bloggers by giving frequent & touching comments on their articles & than they exchanged their contact numbaers & email IDs.Later the male bloggers shared their past with the female bloggers & expressed how lonely they are without true love in their lives & eventually proposed the females saying that they can only bring the lost love back into their lives . Women feel very sorry for the past of males & they started loving the them thinking that the males are very honest & will be carrying husbands if they tie knot with them. For few months these couples continued their interaction through blogging & chatting & meanwhile they commited for marriage , without any face to face meetings. Since it was not a true love & was mear attraction the male bloggers got attracted to another female bloggers & thereby they lost interest in the previous female bloggers & the commitments which they made to them became meaningless.
As usual the females got very upset , they lost hope , trust & health & now these women do not believe in the Institution of marriage they do not want to get married for ever & are not ready to forget them athough their dream homes are scattered totally According to me it is not wrong to love somebody & to express love for someone nor I say it is the folly of men alone .Also there might be people who got true life partners through social networking sites but I feel one should not commit for marriage without family consent & face to face interaction with the person whom you met through social networking websites.
There is lots of competition nowdays between everyone.Ibibo also started social network though there is not much interest in that.
Hello Moksha, You are supporting only female bloggers because u too is a woman. In my opinion female bloggers are not so innocent as you have covered them beautifully. In the present world girls are not as innocent as u r telling. How can u say that all the male bloggers are not loyal. It is depends on the person to person…I totally disagree but it is ur point of view….
Madhu Vamsi….