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Every day in our daily news paper or on TV news channel , we come across at least one news pertaining to murder or attempt of murder of a senior citizen in the urban areas of India & especially in the metro cities. Senior citizen are our nation’s valuable assets therefore we should take care of their lives . However Senior citizens too should follow the below mentioned safety measures in order to protect their own life & property.

– ) Elderly people should always keep their identity proof like Pass Port or membership card of a social Institute in their purse or pocket , when they are going out from their homes.

-) They should always register their residential & personal details in the Police station which is close to their house.

-) Senior citizens should feed all the telephone numbers of the local Police station in their telephone or mobile or should write down in their telephone diary.

-) Should also feed the telephone numbers of near by 24 hours open medical shop , hospital & also the contact numbers of family doctor .

-) Senior Citizen who live all alone should maintain a dairy or note pad for people who visit them . The elderly person without fail should record the details of the person who has visited him or her in the day along with their time details.

-) They should not keep huge sum of cash & jewelry in their home.

-) Should develop friendly relation with the neighbors & especially with their young children

-) They should install iron grills in window for safety.

-) In the night before sleeping , they should on a bulb or a light in the passage common to bedroom & living room & also in toilet.

-) Always keep a torch , candle & a match box at a place from where they can get it easily in case of emergency.

-) Always keep an extra pair of specs in their house.

-) Should keep telephone or mobile just close to their bed in the room where they sleep in night.

-) If possible should install a alarm which is connected in neighbor’s home , so in case of emergency the elderly person can inform neighbor for help with the alarm.

-) If the elderly person is Diabetic or Asthma patient or Heart patient than he or she should keep the necessary medicine some where close to the bed on which he or she sleeps .

-) Do not keep servants without somebody’s recommendations & should always submit the servant’s photo copy of identity in the local Police station & in the society where the senior member lives.

-) In case of plumber or gas repairer etc comes to the house . The senior citizen should call either a neighbor or a relative to his or her house when the service provider is doing the work in the house.

– ) The senior citizen should keep the approximate payment of the service provider ready before the service provider comes , so that the elderly person does not have to open his or her cupboard for money in the presence of the service provider. In case the payment is not kept in advance , the elderly person should ask the service provider to wait outside the house .

– ) Elderly people should carry chilli spray in their purse or pocket when they are going out .

– ) They should never show or make other people realize that they are old , weak & dependent on others for help.

These are some basic safety precautions by observing them senior citizens can protect them selves from burglars & murders.

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