Blogging for money?
Now-a-days the common craze are appearing to internet user for making money by blogging. This is a new hype or trend. But it should be kept in my mind blogging is not a money earning game it is also can share knowledge among each blogger and make good friendship forever.
After few days of passing the general internet user want to earn money through online in various online money earning programme. But few are genuine and most of them are fake and scam also. Blogging is an easy subject rather than creating own website. One can express himself or herself through blogging an unleash manner.
So friends keep blogging for knowledgeable one not for money making instrument only. Although I do agree money is the key factor in our real life and it would be helpful for students, unemployees also.
So do random blogging with good contents, share knowledge with each other and earn money to mitigate financial needs.
You are absolutely right my dear and I strongly agree with you
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Every one wants to make Money and here is the opportunity for all of us to make money and friends