Life is like Bombay Stock Exchange

Life is like Bombay Stock Exchange.


Bombay Stock Exchange points gone down. Life is bad and sad.
Going through Bad Phase.


Bombay stock exchange points gone up. Life is good and going
great, Bad days are out.


Bombay Stock Exchange point is steady. Life is Okay. It’s going


So now you know that life is just like Bombay stock exchange


I thought of comparing life with Bombay Stock Exchange and so here I
am………….I thought of writing it as a poem but, since I was not getting
how to write it as a poem, i thought of writing it down as a small essay, sweet
and short. Also I was thinking about Bombay Stock Exchange and my life.

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9 Responses

  1. nilalove says:

    Ya Life is Really like a BSE, we don’t know what will happen.

  2. Service_to_all says:


    This happens when there is gambling and foul play. The ups and downs will be steep.

    Similarly in life, if one plays the game straight, everything will be fine, otherwise it will be only like stock exchange.


  3. Ruby says:

    Good comparison, keep writing your wonderful thoughts. Yes, life has ups and downs. Hope you will write a poem soon. Jesus Luvs u 🙂

  4. nishunishaa says:

    thanks 4 a wonderful comment…

  5. nishunishaa says:

    thats y i compared stock exchange with life….

  6. nishunishaa says:

    i hope so..ruby..i come out with a poem…

  7. madhu_vamsi says:

    Hi Nisha, Life is full of ups & downs just like the stock market. I liked the way u have ompared life with Bombay stock exchange…. 🙂

    With love Madhu….

  8. Service_to_all says:


    There is nothing special about writing poem. Any article witten from the heart is a poem by itself.


  9. UWON says:

    Hey Nisha very good comparision.Life is like this only as Bombay Stock Exchange comes low n goes high anytime,Life also goes up n comes down anytime.

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