In search of the perfect smile
Many people run to the dentist for some cosmetic dentistry work to give them that perfect smile. However a lot of factors are responsible for the perfect smile and not just the whiteness of the teeth.
The right size and width of each tooth, right curve, color and shape of the teeth, and the overall width of the mouth are also very important. The whiteness of the teeth should match the whites of the eyes. If it is whiter than the white of the eyes then it will distract the onlooker from the rest of the face.
The width of the smile should not be less than half the width of the face and both the upper and lower lips should be symmetrical each side of the midline of the face. The top row of teeth should be dominant with the lower row seen only just. All the displayed teeth should be straight and should have no signs of restorative work. The size of the teeth should decrease from front to back. The gums should not be seen to avoid a horsy smile. Experts recommend regular mouth manicures to remove stains. Regular expensive cosmetic dentistry is not necessary to correct all dental deformities.
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