techb trends- 2
it was all happening in the virtual world, online marriages, virtual sex, random meetings, you name it……….
the freinde requests swelled, adn how!!! all we do now is click on “accept” or “deny”
every acceptance means one more person to respond too. and send scraps to. and wish ” happy world doughnut day”
and, of course, throw a sheep at!!!!!!!!!!! aargh……………………………………………………………
now, the hype surroundings social networking has begun to subside, infact, even logging onto thses site is now a pain, this is called social burnout in the virtual world,,,, the profiles that we once so loved are now abandoned or seldom accessed, some have even deleted their profiles………………………………………………….. random meetings, imaginary freinds were all very nice to begin with but soon the thrill of hooking up with a complete stranger on the net died…..
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