A stich in time saves nine
The striking saying is true in our everyday life.It means that a timely action saves a lot of trouble.It is indeed a highly significant metaphor.If a rent in piece of cloth is neglected-it gets wider,bigger an extends rapidly.It is then a common experience that many stiches are required to mend it where a few would have been sufficient.What is true in this case is equally true in all fields of life.A little is overlooked,delayed and postponed.A hole at the bottom of a boat,if it is neglected,would sink the boat itself.A small leak in a roof if it is allowed to continue ,will disturb the life of the residents under it.Slight cough if is not checked immediately would develop into fatal disease.Do we not find confirmed smokers,drunkards,gamblers and thieves only because no check was placed at the every dark moment?So every evil ought to be nipped in the bud.The first Chinese aggression was overlooked as a pretty affair of border dispute.But alas ,it developed into monstrous aggression.Thus postponement multiple trouble:promptness saves them.
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