if winter come shall spring be far behind
Winter is a season of snow,hail and biting cold.Nature loses its beauty and vernal wealth.the sky is cloudy and the atmosphere is dull and chilly,but man faces everything in the hope of the arrival of spring.spring is the season of beauty and bounty,of shower and flowers.With the same spirit man must brave difficulties and dangers in life.Miseries and misfortunes in life are a period of test and trial.One is sure to enjoy happiness in days to come,if he stands firm in the dark days.Adversity of today can be the prosperity of tomorrow.It is not a fact that bright and beautiful morning follows the darkest hours of night?Thus the period of sorrow can not be permanent.The days of misery and misfortunes are sure to come to an end.
There will be the period of hope and happiness.So man need not to be disappointed and depressed in life if he has to face the hardships.It is a message of hope,courage and brave struggle in life.
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