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Demand for gifts after wedding not dowry????

The recent Supreme Court of India’s verdict that the demand for money, presents etc. from the girls parents, post delivery of the child and other occassions cannot be construed as dowry. This is indeed disgraceful and matter of shame.

The bench of honorable judges have not put their minds in a much more deeper manner before passing such a verdict.

The legal system in this country as such has lot of loopholes, which the ever so clever lawyers community misuses it to the hilt, such verdicts only adds further drawbacks to the legal system.

Now coming to the actuals of how it could be misused by those who are intent on sucking the blood of the girls parents for wealth; a marriage could be conducted in an absolutely clean manner without taking a single rupee as dowry and even trumpeting that the marriage was conducted dowry free, with a clear plan of drawing all the wealth during various ceremonies post marriage.

The threats to the girl and her parents would be the same as it had been with dowry demands, and the life of the girl made even more misserable, as it would be made clear that the husband and her in-laws would be in no legal tangle.

I make a supreme request to one and all to oppose such a verdict, in the interest of the bride to be and her parents.

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3 Responses

  1. kumud15nov says:

    its burning topic now again ….. gift is dowery or just gift?

  2. Service_to_all says:

    Would request you to re-read my post once again.


  3. jmalhotra says:


    dowry is a social curse….one should not demand it either in the form of a gift or money or anything..it is nothing else but a gesture to the greed that the groom’s family has for money ..though exceptions are there but very rare to find..very apt update and awareness

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