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Is this secularism

Are the so called secular parties and their leaders truly secular. I am narrating below 2 recent happenings and the reactions or otherwise from representatives of the so called secular principles.

Priyaranjan Das Munshi in his recent statement has said that Taslima should bow with folded hands infront of Muslims of India and seek apology for hurting the sentiments of muslims in India. While I agree that one should not hurt the sentiments, do we get the same sort of statements if the hindu sentiments are hurt.

Now coming to the issue of Ram Sethu, Karunanidhi the CM of TN has gone public asking if Rama got an engineering degree and also stated that Lord rama was a drunkard. Iam sure this has also hurt the sentiments of the majority Hindus. There has been no statement from any UPA leaders restraining Karunanidhi from passing such anti-hindu statements. Have they sought an apology from Karunanidhi in similar tones as that of Taslima.

The answer is a definite know.

I would like each one of you to think about and decide who is secular and what is the kind of secularism practiced.

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1 Response

  1. betterlife says:

    I have read about Karunanidhi’s statement followed by similar utterances of WB CM. I have been hurt. I have written a blog post on this. Dasmunsi also belongs to this class of communal secularists.

    Love all, Hate none

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