Divine Cure

We need healing. That is to say there are sufferings. What is their cause? If there is divine cure, why the divine power, which is supposed to be omnipotent, does not shower the cure on all those who are suffering. Why can’t we prevent someone from dying? It is simply because the root causes of sufferings are the deeds of many lives. And unless there is guarantee that one may never get engaged in the kind of deed that caused the sufferings, no one including God, who is source of all divine powers can do anything about our pains. Had it been possible for him, he would have done so without your calling him for rescue. The process, however, is that we must get over the desire that was the cause of the deed which in turn subjected us to sufferings. Unless heart is pure, no one should expect that his or her sufferings would come to an end.

Well, you have got it. Only one thing remains, when we try to heal, what are we aiming at? Are we aiming at symptoms or the cause of the disease?

If the viruses are not removed, healing will be of not much sense, as disease would surface again. A doctor must tell patient the origin of pains and sufferings and prescribe his medicine accordingly. That what I find lacking with divine cure in particular. You must direct your patient to overcome the root cause, which is desire. And you are aware that as long as there is mind, desires will be there. You cannot stop them. It can end only if mind is engrossed permanently with the happiness that never fades. In such situation, mind cannot make any desire for it is continuously engaged in something else. That’s the solution. To direct our desires from material to spiritual area. And eventually end up in securing the infinite and eternal happiness

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5 Responses

  1. madhu_vamsi says:

    Divine cure is very necessary and thanks for giving lovely examples. This makes us understand in a better way
    Madhu Vamsi….

  2. jmalhotra says:


    towards the happiness is to have a spiritual bent of mind than to be attracted towards the material world..but how many of us are successful in doing the spiritual thinking in our mind when all of us are the part of THE MATERIAL WORLD..but yes, ETERNAL HAPPINESS can only be acquired with spiritual bent of mind and nothing else…great thought to share with friend…hope everyone who is reading can spread the light of spiritualism amongst their nears and dear ones…

  3. Service_to_all says:


    “As long as there is mind, desires will be there” and the following statement “If mind is engrossed permanently …” seems to be contradicting.

    I guess it would have been better put if the statement would have worded as “As long as mind is engrossed in desires…”


  4. ShreeRadha says:

    Welcome ! The sequence is Create desire, fullfil the desire and seek the happiness while fulfilling the desire. If infinite happiness is attained, mind will be busy in experiencing that happiness all the time and there will be no scope for mind to create desires!

  5. ShreeRadha says:

    Welcome ! The age old saying…Practice makes a man perfect! Try spiritual practice every day…You will end up with God, one day …!

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