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God And Maya

Prakriti (This World) or Maya is real. God is real. We can either perceive Maya or God. It is like viewing white colour through red transparent paper. It appears Red. Paper is real. Light is real. But we can remove the paper that is in between Light and eyes. You will find real form of God. That is through Maya or Prakriti we perceive distorted version of God. If we are successful in removing the layer of Prakriti or Maya, which is between God and us, You can realise real and infinite happiness that is associated with God. Therefore after reaching destination, you visualise the same WORLD in which you are staying as PLACE OF DIVINE HAPPINESS.
The focus must be on cause because of which we are under spell of Maya. Because of which we cannot turn to God. That cause then leads to sufferings. Thus the only cause of sufferings is materialistic desires. This is the reason why we do not take God and Spiritualism seriously. Another problem is desires cannot vanish. Then the only solution remain is to divert all thinking to Divine area.

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4 Responses

  1. Service_to_all says:


    While I agree that GOD can be reached by getting out of MAYA, the logical presentation needs a relook.

    If Prakriti or Maya is real and if GOD is real then GOD is MAYA. So by saying removal of Prakriti or MAYA one can see GOD seems to be out of place.


  2. ShreeRadha says:

    Welcome ! See If I say you are rich, I am rich it does not convey I am you. Right?

  3. betterlife says:

    God is only real. Maya is not real.

    “प्रेम करो सबसे, नफरत न करो किसी से”
    “Love all, Hate none”

  4. ShreeRadha says:

    Maya is power of God. Maya is real. Just that its function is to cover God and therefore it creates unreal feelings!

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