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How to Register

The registration process is extremely important.
Please contact us if you need help.

Phone: 09432309132
or 09850438887


Go to the official registration page at www.rmpinfotec.biz

Please note that it is infotec and NOT infotech.


Enter your personal details as accurately as possible. Please pay special attention to the following points:

* Enter a Nominee’s name. A nominee is anyone you wish to receive the payments in your absence.
* Select 1 Product of your choice.
The products are by some of the most recognized companies in India.
* Enter your sponsor’s details. Please enter the following in the registration form:
Placement Request: Left or Right (Where you would be placed below your sponsor)
Sponsor Username: KRISHNARKT
Sponsor Track ID: RMPKRISHNARKT070208


Once again check your personal information thoroughly.


Enter your Payment Details ONLY Draft payments are accepted by the company.

Click Submit

You are DONE!!

You will be recieve your Welcome Letter. If you are paying by DD, take a print out of this letter and post / courier it to your nearest RMP office along with your DD. When the payment is received, your account will be activated.

NOTE: If you introduce people into your network before you are activated, don’t worry. When you become activated, you will receive payment for all pending business under you.

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4 Responses

  1. lkjhgf says:

    Do we get some commision if someone joins this through the one to whom we hav referred?

  2. ShreeRadha says:

    Welcome ! We get commission from everyone who joins through you. However, maximum income is Rs.1, 30,000 Per week. That corresponds to 130 pairs. Now, these pairs should be such that one person out of these pair should be on the left side of you and the other should be on the right side of you.
    If you join through me, I might also put some of the later joining through me below you but real gain would be if you would find two persons with passion to earn : one on your left and one on your right so that while they earn you too earn handsome income.

  3. lkjhgf says:

    Thank u for solving my query about the commission that weearn from the referals referal. I thought we only get the commission from those who join under us. If this is the case we get high commission and is good program

  4. ShreeRadha says:

    Welcome ! So why not join and reap the benefits?

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