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Worldly relations are different. In this world, extramarital relationship is a crime but when it comes to Krishna, it becomes the best possible deed! Some one asked Shankarcharya (one of the greatest philosophers India had) , “Which is the action, when performed, never causes repentance for performing that action?” The reply was, “If someone loves Krishna, he or she will never have to repent for what he or she had done!” So this “Touch me not” actually means “Touch me quick and hold me fast!” It is the way to incite Krishna in doing what is intended by telling him to do exactly opposite! There are some personalities, which find pleasure in doing exactly opposite of what is being told; the lady of Vrindavan has, by now, analyzed Krishna very well and, therefore, tells him ‘Touch me not” so that Krishna makes it a point to touch her by hook or crook!

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