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The Permanent Solution – 2 (A philosophical short book)

f we carefully analyze our day to day actions, we should be able to find the answer to the question,

“What do we live for?”

Let’s begin the day. Here is the analysis of some typical actions, which almost all of us perform till the next day.

1. Get up. Why? Because sleeping is no more enjoyable. Because you need to do something, which is more important, which you are sure if not attended to will definitely bring in unpleasant circumstances.

Intention : To seek happiness by obviating less happy situations.

2. Brush Teeth : O God ! The same thing every day ! You do it to avoid unwelcome consequences of not cleaning teeth.

Intention : To seek happiness by obviating less happy situations.

3. Take Wash : Why? Because you enjoy taking wash or you want to take care of your body which needs cleaning or may be both.

Intention : To seek happiness through taking bath.

Intention : To seek happiness by obviating less happy situations.

4. Go to Work : Why? To take orders from your boss? To deal with stubborn staff? No! You work because you like the working environment or you wish to avoid unacceptable outcome of not working or may be both.

Intention : To seek happiness through work itself.

Intention : To seek happiness by acquiring something, which usually is money, that in turn will help you bring in happiness.

5. Love affairs : Why? When you are alone, it starts boring you. So you try to seek happiness, through

love and sex relationships, from others.

Intention : To seek happiness through such relationships.

6. Go to sleep : What? Sleep again? You got up because continuous sleeping could not satisfy you!

Your reply is, “Yes! But now I am tired of all activities. I need sleep.”

Intention : To seek happiness through sleep.

You will, thus, discover that each and every action of any living organism is directed to acquiring his own happiness. The actions might be in direct contrast with each other, for example, getting up and going to bed, switching on the music and switching it off and so many others but their aim is still to seek the same happiness through different actions, for happiness fades away when you are engaged in the same activity. Let the activity be any.

To simplify further, an individual remains in certain state of mind till it finds itself comfortable with that state and tries to change the state if the prevailing conditions no more yield any satisfaction to it and if the individual is forced to continue in the same state, in which it is not comfortable, it faces the situation with some unpleasant feelings like tension, sorrow, grudge, anxiety and so on. Even the disclosure of such unsolicited feelings through expressions and weeping is to bring to notice of the persons around that, “I’m not happy. Could you please change my conditions? Could you please, at least, sympathize with me so that I”ll feel little relieved?” which is thus directed to seek happiness. Even if no one is present near by, the emotional expressions help lighten the grief.

The same is true when an individual is forced to change the condition in which he is still happy and gives many indications that tell us, “I don’t want change. Please let me be where I am.”

There are many synonyms for this feeling of happiness. Some of them are : Satisfaction, Relief, Peace of mind, Thrill, Excitement, Exhilaration, Ecstasy, Enjoyment, Joy.

In short, happiness is that good feeling which is welcome by everyone.

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