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Which should we folow?

In order to decide which theory is the best we need to know The starting point, The ease of journey and the final destination. And of course if you compare all the theories, you will find the truth that Divine Love (Devotion) is the best from all accounts! And it does not mean other theories will not take you to the divine realm of infinite happiness! One should be able to distinguish between quantity and quality!
Compare the following happiness situations:
1. You get to see mango and you are happy to see its beautiful shape and color.
2. You get to see mango and you are happy to see its beautiful shape and color + you get to know its fragrance and you add another attribute the earlier happiness.
3. You get to see mango and you are happy to see its beautiful shape and color + you get to know its fragrance and you add another attribute the earlier happiness + you get to eat the mango. Thus you add yet another attribute to the happiness

The same kind of distinction is there in
1. Gyan : (I am God) : Seeing Mango
2. Yoga : Seeing and getting fragrance of Mango
3. Devotion : Seeing and getting fragrance plus taste of Mango

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31 Responses

  1. Service_to_all says:


    Comparison of choice to get at the desired objective.


  2. Service_to_all says:


    Regarding ease of journey, anything got easily does not give the kind of pleasure and satisfaction as the one obtained through hard tough and arduous work. That is why people says fruits of labour.


  3. betterlife says:

    Relationship between an individual and God is purely personal. Based on this relationship, the individual follows a path to reach God. God receives everybody with same love and kindness, irrespective of the path the individual has followed.

    “प्रेम करो सबसे, नफरत न करो किसी से”
    “Love all, Hate none”

  4. jmalhotra says:


    God will love you and welcome you in every way …you only need to be true to your heart ….that is the best way to win HIS FAVOURS

  5. Swathi says:

    Its a simple thoght i would love to share-
    “Less the effort and less the pleasure”
    And it is applicable to all things in life…………

  6. mysteriousdoc says:

    to see a blog you get happiness
    to see and comment a blog you get 1 point
    to see, and commnet and post your views through blog you will gain 3 points

  7. lkjhgf says:

    Supreb support of the example which clarifies and explains the details u want t talk about.

  8. lkjhgf says:

    God considers everybody with same love and kindness, irrespective of d path d individual has follows but we get the results as per the Karma we did.

  9. ShreeRadha says:

    No madam! It depends. People believe cheater by true heart but the result is sorrowful!
    What matters is TURNING your heart to God who is the only well wisher of yours!

  10. ShreeRadha says:

    Our scriptures describe various Gods, their abodes! There is difference in the relationships and therefore there is a difference in the love. Do you want to claim that romantic love is same as that of maternal love? You could see the difference yourself!

  11. ShreeRadha says:

    I think it not always true. Happiness depends on intense desire. Devotion is the simplest path to follow yet it takes you the realm of happiness where Gyanis and Yogis have NO ENTRY!

  12. lkjhgf says:

    Thank u for giving the original source of info.
    From where u get to know about the such examples, do u visit him regularly or attain satsang.

    The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.

  13. ShreeRadha says:

    Welcome ! These examples are given originally by Shri Kripaluji Maharajaji.

  14. ShreeRadha says:

    Hello mysterious! your comments are interesting! Thanks for stopping by.

  15. ShreeRadha says:

    I have already replied to this query. However, I repeat it.
    Our scriptures describe various Gods, their abodes! There is difference in the relationships and therefore there is a difference in the love. Do you want to claim that romantic love is same as that of maternal love? You could see the difference yourself!

  16. ShreeRadha says:

    You try to eat by putting food into your mouth by taking your hand round the head! The more difficult and more arduous way..and according to your theory it should fetch you more happiness! However, people who put the food into the mouth by usual simpler and less arduous practice get more happiness than that difficult awkward style! And you are also not an exception!

  17. ShreeRadha says:

    What do want to claim?

  18. ShreeRadha says:

    Yes I do. R u interested in it?

  19. lkjhgf says:

    ya but cant attain such programs .
    I will learn from the blogs u post as usual. U have always explain it in better way.

    The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.

  20. lkjhgf says:

    BUt i replied 5 days back before u did it.

    The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.

  21. ShreeRadha says:

    Yes! Actually I took a short break!

  22. Service_to_all says:


    Convenient examples to suit the objective. Anyway no one feels a sense of achievement on day-to-day activities which are carried out. It is only the out of the ordinary achievement that one achieves after a difficult path, is what is considered to give more happiness.

    If eating food, taking care of natures call, cleaning oneself etc are considered tasks which on completion would fetch happiness for normal human beings, then such human beings can never achieve anything.


  23. Service_to_all says:


    What I have stated is a very simple statement.


  24. ShreeRadha says:

    For your information, …each and every smallest of our action is directed to seek happiness. Do you have any doubt about it?

    Remember, Huge efforts huge happiness can never be a slogan. Efforts must be task specific. In fact, on many occasions removal of efforts itself is a pleasure!

    A little of intelligent work may be pleasanter than a lot of donkey work. Even the great sage Narad deplores the state of gyanis and says, “I feel sorry for the gyanis who get mingled with formless God and lose the beauty of personal form of God.”

  25. ShreeRadha says:

    May be you can elaborate it further.

  26. Service_to_all says:


    Very simple all your examples follow the reverse logic. The examples are traced with the objective that you want to prove, rather than tracing the end objective with the example.

    Your example of eating the hardway and simple way is one such classic instance to justify your end objective, which is anything achieved gives happines and that achievements out of endurance is not.

    I do not want to discuss any further.

    You be happy with your concept and I will be happy with my concept.


  27. ShreeRadha says:

    So..Now you talk of reverse logic! Of course when you have a point to prove, you will provide logic to support your view. Logic is built on the point to be stressed! If you do not have such aim then your speech is direction less!

    Anyways you need a very broad mind to accept the defeat!

  28. Service_to_all says:


    Defeat or winning is how one perceives. Anyway if you get infinite happinnes in your perception that you have won and defeated someone, so be it. I give you that benefit.

    Your broad mind does not need victories or defeats. Those are trivial and are needed to satisfy ones ego. If my defeat satisfies your ego, so be it.

    I donot have any ego prolem.


  29. ShreeRadha says:

    It is not a question of personal win or defeat. It is a matter of what is the best and why.

    If one goes by logic, one usually takes rational decisions which prove much better in the end. My contention is that devotion is the best path among all paths that lead to God and it is well supported by logic which CANNOT be Defeated!

    The nectar of Radha Krishna’s beauty and love is unparalleled. Only those who get access to it know the truth. Prior to it one has to rely on logic to decide about the best path and the best experience in the divine realm. Therefore if an ideology cannot sustain logical attack, it is definitely inferior and then why to adopt inferior ideology?

    Yet, because of ego people tend to stick their own ideologies!

  30. dulaliputra says:

    No need to worry about the path. “Charaibeti” – go on searching and stay mainly to that which suits your taste. Mother cooks according to the choice of her children, so also Hinduism. You are to relish your choice able dish.

  31. ShreeRadha says:

    The point is if you want healthy diet you need to make choice based on analysis of nutrition values and not by just liking. Like-Dislike has no effect nutrition value. Thus one must decide on path not by liking but by the careful analysis of which path is the best.

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