lead india contest
Hi friends, i wish to know whether the lead india contest conducting by times of india will be a effective one to change our democrac? Please dont take this blog as against the contest. But i need to know how far it will create a change in development of our democracy? The contestants may have the stuff to lead india in effective manner.but the way in which the particular media advertising about that contest is somewhat unfair.in my knowledge its looking same as election which is being done as usual. For example take the two final contestants one is from bangalore and the other is from gujarat. So the people in bangalore will vote more for the bangalore citizen and vice versa.it is like a dance competition being conducted by tv channels. I dont find any difference between there two contest. Because it is a programme which is going to find a ultimate man who is going to lead india. So how much seriousness should be taken as responsible as election
commission. Is it fair to select the eutre of india through SMS voting?And i have one more question where were these contestants while the election was held? Why did n't they contest in election?
I am also a normal citizen of india who is expecting the good sheppard to lead india and who works hard for the development of indian peoples. So i am afraid of the things which are going on. Selection of leaders should not be miss used only for the publicity of particular media. Please if anybody have any suggestion regarding this contest means please share. Because we have the same responsibility as we have in election….
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