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railway electrification no.3

Preparation of LOP.

NORMALLY it inclueds the following things,

* Distance between Structures (Spans )
* Type of Structure and their Chainage
* Setting Distance (Implantation)
* Tension Lengths of OHE (OLE)
* Overlap and Anti-Creep Location
* Anchor Locations and Stagger.

As per the RDSO(Research and development standard organisation ) we are designing Railway electrification.

AS per RDSO, the span should be the multiply of 4.5.

span means it is the distance b/w the centre of two adjacent tracks.

the minimum span can be 22.5 m and the maximum span can be 72 meter. and there should not be difference more than 18 b/w between adjacent spans.

while placing mast stuctures(structures used to catch wire (i.e electrical post.)) we should consider the survey details like bridge signal like all other infringements.

the mast should have minimum 30m before the signal and 10 metre after the signal.then only our mast will affect the driver to see the signal.

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