A Darling Baby Doll

The pretty little baby doll was hopping and chirping like a small bird and her mom and the other girl , apparently looking like her aunt was trying hard to control her . She was unminded for the fact that she could be pushed by the people who were not just aware of the fact that a little thing is toing and froing on the ground .

She looked like a princess with her pink and chubby cheeks , curly locks, blue, big and round eyes , which she kept wide open to view everything that was in front of her with curiosity . Her beauty was something unusual . She doesnot look Indian , but the two accompanying her had conventional indaian looks . It was conspicuous that everyone was enthralled by the beauty of the little thing . She was just more than cute . All the people sitting in the restaurant at that hot mid day felt like a gush of breeze was cooling the atmosphere of that hot day for a moment , in the presence of the small girl …

Years have passed . But this litle girls seems to made a place in my mind .She reminds me of the saying that God wants that the world remain a beautyful place forever , that is why He creates small girls and flowers . The giggles of small girls , their chubby cheeks , chirpying and getting overjoyed for the smallest of reason all makes this world a place worthy to live in .

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1 Response

  1. madhu_vamsi says:


    You can find the beauty in kids and they will show u the beauty of the god. good one and very interesting. my new post is waiting for ur valuable comments..

    Madhu Vamsi….

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