Internet Addiction and Fitness
Do these terms , internet addiction and fitness go along well with each other ? I found them rather uncompatible with each other . It is always difficult for me and for many to keep the exercise regime regular . Because while we exercise we try to get rid of the inertia that our body is accustomed to .
The internet generation has a ready answer in mouse potato, to the previous generations” couch potatoes . As it is quite obvious that no of them lead a healthy lifestyle . Starting to watch tv in the spare time gradually inspires one watch it in every opportunity . Likewise internet too makes it rather an addiction . While using we are perhaps not behaving like mature adults . For eg. I did not log on to this site for some two days . While lying in bed to catch some good nights sleep I feel so restless . I could not calm my mind easily to keep myself in bed . I was thinking what I could have been posted . I could not post anything in those days because found nothing to write , but while lying in bed I found my brain working on new topics only to my surprise .
All my spare time is now snatched away by net . Earlier I fickled in new websites , some earn money sites and Ibibo . Now I can do more meaningful activities in eblog too and that keep me occupied all the time . I postpone my resuming my exercise schedule and console myself with lies that I will definitely do it tomorrow . I even scared to think what my child will learn from me when she sees me glues to the keyboard at opportunity I get , not providing a good example before her of living a physically active life .
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