Manliest Man
While typing “b” in the space of tags there a list of prompt tags arose . The above one reminded me of a joke heard long back .
An all India competition was held to award the tilte of the manliest man . This competion comprised three tests . Every participant must
a) drink in one gulp a bottle of rum ,
b)walk into a cage and shake hands with a female bear :
c) make love to a woman who never took a bathe .
A Bengali drank all the bottle of rum , and dropped dead .
A Tamilian drank rum , and walked to into the cage , and dropped dead when he saw the female bear .
A Sardarjee drank rum , walked into the cage . Everyone outside heard a noisy commotion , and then he walked out from the cage .
And asked ,”Where is the woman to shake her hand ?”
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