Something For Everyone
“Blog” or “web log” offers something for everyone . Till last year I have no idea at all what a blog is . Hesitatingly I did sign up at some blogsite who promises free blogs but could not do well because I didnot know the mechanism of posting blogs well . But now after constantly blogging and reading other blog-posts for almost last eight months now I can vouch for this lovey pastime . It actually not only a pastime but it is also the “push button publishing technique” of this generation .
Blogs are talking about to more then one listener at a time about yourself , your feelings , ideas and sometimes it is a platform to gather opinion too . Now online launch of music , video (vlog :video blog )etc are getting popular .Because it can appeal to a larger number of audience in a very short time and one can also have the feedback quite easily . So journalists , writers , actors , politicians , housewives evryone is crazy to log on . Logging on or blogging has become a daily routine like breakfast or lauch for many .
But there are some terms in this world about whom many of us are not aware of . With the help of here I am compiling a list of some of such terms .
: Contraction of “web” and “log” . It’s an online journal that can be updated daily or regularly , usually displayed in chronological order .
: Blegging is asking the fellow bloggers for assistence . Begging throw blog .
: To loose ones job due to entries published on a blog .
A meme is a type of chain letter where bloggers answer questions or participate in a quiz designed to give a quik overview of the author’s personality . Once the author completes the meme ,it is customary to tag other bloggers to participate .
:A blogroll is a list of links to other websites that the author of the blog regularly likes to read . The blogroll generally resides in one the side columns of the blog .
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