Squeeze Out Some Time To be Yourself
While following our dreams or just completing our everyday routine works we tend to forget sometimes what we love to do actually . The world is so demanding most of the time we just work to meet a deadline only .
Again most of the time we cannot express ourselves . Just because we cannot say no to our near and dear ones we have to go overboard with assignments . And at times can not show our resentments . This way pressure and tension gets mounted in long run .
In order to avoid tension and excessive workload we can do somethings which can not only make us free from this but also freshen ourselves up . At least once in every two days be just yourself . Do something which you loved to do but stopped few years back . Nurture your hobbies . Or just relish a favourite dish or a huge chocolate ( Yes forget about diet once in a while ) .
When you notice that you are doing more work than you should then talk to your friends or colleagues or even boss , your family about this . Share responsibilities . You will see they will be happy to share your burden if they really care of you . After all that’s why friends and family exists . Talk to resolve your personal and financial problems . If there is no body to talk then talk to yourself . Letting your emotions out by a hearty cry also helps though it may not sound much adult . Try to connet with the supreme power . You will feel empowered to be the real you .
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