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I really do like the looks of snow but it can cause a lot of problems when we have a large Winter storm such as the one we had a few days ago in the Midwest.

We received about two inches of ice followed by eleven inches of snow. It was beautiful! The trees glistened in the sunshine when the storm was over. Everything was covered with a thick blanket of white…..including our cars and our driveway.

My husband and I are senior citizens and he can’t shovel too much at a time so we still haven’t dug our way out. I’m afraid to walk on the ice and snow for fear of falling, because I had a bad fall several years ago. I did pull on my boots and walk a while this afternoon. I slid a few times but didn’t fall. I overcame my fear!

I guess being snowbound isn’t too bad as long as you have food in the house and electricity. We have plenty of food and only lost our electricity for about six hours during the night. Being snowbound feels almost like a vacation. When my children were young and school was closed due to snow, they had a vacation from studies and it feels the same to me now.

I never thought my first review would be about being snowbound. I suppose writing about my experiences is a review of sorts. You can be the judge of that!

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