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Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lill champs

Sa Re Ga Ma Pa now showcases the Season-2 of the series, LIL CHAMPS 2007 – International, exclusively for Kids.
Last season showcased by ZEE NETWORK was extremely rocking friends.
Last season Zee successfully discovered some of the best voices,.
These voices included rockstars like Sanchita, Diwakar, Sameer, Abrokanti, Pawni,Gurpreet kaur & many more..
This title was won by SANCHITA……………
The new series of Saregamapa Lil Champs have even this time discoverd young talented singers not only from India but also from around the world with an exciting format.
They have took these talents under their wings, carefully nurtured and trained them into some of the biggest singing sensations of tomorrow.
And now its the final day for them.
Tommorow the 1st of march the finals are to be conducted……
Tanmay , sardar Rohan preet and Anamika are the three Mega Finalists ………..
Andsurely all three of them are sensational singers………..

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6 Responses

  1. madhu_vamsi says:

    Hi swathi, Anamika won the title and sardar Rohan preet was 1st Runner up. Tanmay is the 2nd runners up. The first show of Lil champs are better than the present show in my opinion.. 🙂

  2. jmalhotra says:


    it is a good reality show where kids are encouraged for their talent

  3. lkjhgf says:

    All of the three have awesome voice at this little age but I think that Tanmay should win.

  4. Swathi says:

    I agree that all three have awesome voice but frankly i cant decide who should win buddy

  5. lkjhgf says:

    Ya really it was a very tough competition and all three competed well with each other but finally Anamika bcame the winner.

    The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.

  6. lkjhgf says:

    NO I think that Chote ustaad is very good competition too and d competitors r very briallant performer too.

    The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.

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