Tagged: Cancer

Coffee helps in cutting out risk of CANCER 0

Coffee helps in cutting out risk of CANCER

Ya its true that though it may not b good for to – b – moms as it increases the risk of miscarriage but a new study has found out that drinking 3 cups of coffee daily can help in preventing Ovarian cancer in women.

Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumour.

Researchers have been observed a significant inverse of ovarian cancer risk with caffine intake. The reasons y this takes place has not been revealed yet and is under research.

Eat less red meat, stay healthy 0

Eat less red meat, stay healthy

Its not the breaking news in medicine. However what we always knew has been ratified by research. About 1 in 10 cases of bowel and lung cancer can be prevented by consuming lesser quantities of red meat and processed meat.

Working night shifts?  Think again!! 1

Working night shifts? Think again!!

Smoking causes cancer – This is an accepted statement. How about night shifts?? Sounds whacky!! However the International agency for Research on Cancer, the WHO’s cancer wing is going to classify Night shifts as a possible carcinogen!
Anabolic steroids, UV radiation, diesel exhaust and now night shifts! Millions of people round the world, more so in the developed world, are working late night shifts and face the possible risk of developing cancers. Recent research has brought out the evidence that women who work for years in night shifts are more likely to develop breast cancer and men who work similarly are more likely to develop prostate cancers. In experimental studies animals who have their light-dark schedules switched grew more cancerous tumors and died much quicker.

Prostate Cancer – What men should know? 0

Prostate Cancer – What men should know?

Prostate gland is a gland that is associated with the male reproductive system. The prostate gland contributes to about 20% of the seminal fluid and secretes substances called as Acid Phosphatase and Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). The prostate is one of the commoner sites in men to be affected by cancer. More and more people are falling prey to Prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is one of the few cancers that can be diagnosed at a very early stage by a simple test.