‘Slim is beautiful’ is something that many people, especially adolescent girls, believe in. But this, when taken to extreme, can result in an abnormal condition called ‘Anorexia Nervosa.’
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‘Slim is beautiful’ is something that many people, especially adolescent girls, believe in. But this, when taken to extreme, can result in an abnormal condition called ‘Anorexia Nervosa.’
Greeks call it ‘Ambrosia’. Hindus refer to it as ‘Amruth’. Whatever is the name, it means ‘The Elixir of Immortality’. And the Man’s quest for immortality is as old as the human race itself.
Snake-bite causes death of more than 100,000 people across the globe annually. Of more than 3000 known species of snakes, only 10% are venomous. Death due to snake-bite is common in all most continents. But, surprisingly, the figures in Europe is, on an average, one death for every 3-5 years!!!
On encountering a case of snake-bite, one should find with certainty that the person has been bitten by a poisonous snake. If there are no distinct fang marks and if local pain, swelling, numbness or weakness does not appear within 20 minutes, it is unlikely to be caused by a poisonous snake.
Have you ever had toothache, particularly one caused by Apical Abscess? Or a renal colic caused by kidney stones? Or one caused by appendicitis? If you did, you would certainly know the kind of ordeal that you pass through. You would cringe, writhe or roll around unable to bear the pain while cursing your stars and wishing the world were free from all kinds of pain.
Bit you can’t wish away the pain caused by some disease. For, if your wish were to be granted by God, your chances of survival on this earth could be seriously jeopardised. Confused? Then read on.
You are on your way to te airport and find yourself caught in a nadty traffeic snarl which shows no sign of abating. You are apprehensive, for, you are on a crucal visit.The anxiety you feel in this case is normal.
Butif your anxiety is excessive and dispropotionate to the triggerong event, then it becomes a morbid anxiety or Anxiety Neurosis
Though the onset of such condition can be at any age it common in adolescents and elderly
One can assume one has the seeds of Anxiety Neurosis if:
# there is over activity of nervous system
# increased heart rate and palpitation
#dryness of mouth, tremors, particularly of hands
#increased sweating and or urination
# poor concentration
#increased rate of breathing
modern Medicine (which people call Allopathy) has done wonders to the human race. While the average life expectancy has grown remarkably across the globe, many communicable diseases have been vanquished. And, yet, the Modern Medicine is still inherently flawed,
For one thing, many of the ‘wonder drugs’ have unpredictable side-effects on its users. The reason for this is the varied genetic composition that interacts differently with a given chemical compound. Though there are no well documented studies on the ill-effects of drugs, it is no more a secret that lakhs die every year solely due to drug toxicity-a case of treatment being worse than the disease!
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