Tagged: Spiritual

The Permanent Solution – 32 (A philosophical short book) 0

The Permanent Solution – 32 (A philosophical short book)

While in solitude, devotional songs pertaining to lord’s costumes, beauty, pastimes help a lot to visualize his existence. Mind, which fails to extract any happiness in earlier stages, needs assistance from outside in the form of devotional songs. You need to sit with alertness, for lazy postures allow mind go out of control. Sankirtan, which essentially involves singing devotional songs together in a group assisted with musical instruments, helps in the best possible way to control the mind and to divert it to divine area.

The Permanent Solution – 31 (A philosophical short book) 0

The Permanent Solution – 31 (A philosophical short book)

You can adopt any of five moods described earlier. Do not think of God to be the creator of universe or to be all powerful while practicing spiritual exercises through different moods. Devotional practice is, after all, a love affair. Love can exists only if there is not a feeling of awe for other personality. You need to think of him as your king, master, friend, son or beloved. You will never forget that whichever from you visualize him in is divine. It is full of transcendental beauty and transcendental happiness. You will remember that he is present every where. You will also make sure you will not demand anything, right up to mukti, from him. You will think of him and only him.

The Permanent Solution – 30 (A philosophical short book) 0

The Permanent Solution – 30 (A philosophical short book)

From point of view of experiencing divine bliss, five relationships with God are described in Classical Indian Philosophical literature for spiritual aspirant seeking infinite happiness through devotion. These relationships are –

1. God is your king and you are one of his subjects.

2. God is your only master and you are his servant.

3. God is your only close friend and you too are his close friend.

4. God is your only son and you are his mother.

5. God is your only fiancé and you are his fiancée.

The Permanent Solution – 28 (A philosophical short book) 0

The Permanent Solution – 28 (A philosophical short book)

Few points which would help to know saint’s reality are –

1. Given spiritual atmosphere, the spiritual love that saint possesses gets revealed in the forms of physical states of ecstasy, tears and so on.

2. Your faith in God gets stronger and stronger, day by day.

3. You attachment to worldly objects and persons shows gradual reduction.

4. You develop liking for God and subjects related to God.

5. Your doubts gets settled.

6. You find concentrating on God much easier in his presence than otherwise.

Although whatever is stated above sounds all right, you need to spend some time with any saint. You must follow the spiritual exercises that he wants you to and only then you can decide whether he is a saint or not.

Few things that saint can do are :

The Permanent Solution – 26 (A philosophical short book) 0

The Permanent Solution – 26 (A philosophical short book)

You will observe that if he tells something, it appeals to you with force. The reason is, he puts all his divinity into all of his actions which is what soul is after. You will notice that in his presence your mind shows tendencies towards spiritual thinking and spiritual aspirations. The materialistic losses no more bother you with the same intensity as they used to before. On top of all this, he gives you certain insights of spiritual world through various spiritual experiences.

The Permanent Solution – 25 (A philosophical short book) 0

The Permanent Solution – 25 (A philosophical short book)

You will observe that if he tells something, it appeals to you with force. The reason is, he puts all his divinity into all of his actions which is what soul is after. You will notice that in his presence your mind shows tendencies towards spiritual thinking and spiritual aspirations. The materialistic losses no more bother you with the same intensity as they used to before. On top of all this, he gives you certain insights of spiritual world through various spiritual experiences.

The Permanent Solution – 24 (A philosophical short book) 0

The Permanent Solution – 24 (A philosophical short book)

Well, you might wonder, “Why do we need spiritual guide or teacher or guru to establish contact with God or to seek divine happiness? And who could be such guru?” Our discussion will now be focused on this new topic – Saint or Seer or Sage or Guide or Teacher or Guru or Master or anything else you want to name it.